[EN] Use your UNIX toolbox with pandas
I do analysis on log / csv / json files with a Python + Pandas + Jupyter Notebook stack at work. These files are so large that I usually need to do some pre-processing before loading them into memory.
UNIX tools are powerful to stream processing files: concatenation, filtering, transforming…, but it is annoying to “context-switch” between Jupyter Notebook and shell. Also, It’s generate immediate files that need to remove later manually, quite annoying.
After some stackoverflow-ing, I found a solutionpandas: filter lines on load in read_csv says you can read files in chunks:
= pd.concat(process(chunk_df) # do processing in python
df for chunk_df in pd.read_csv('bigdata.csv', chunksize=10000))
But there is a big overhead to create/process immediate data-frames.
Another solutionHow to use subprocess and ‘cat’ to read in data line by line? says you can use subprocess
with PIPE, a clever idea. So I end up with this:
import pandas as pd
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
with Popen('cat bigdata.csv | grep WHAT_I_CARE_ABOUT | some_transformations',
shell=PIPE) as process:
stdout= pd.read_csv(process.stdout) df
With this trick, I can now do some bash-fu with pandas in Jupyter-Notebook easily.
Reading multiples files
cat stats/2017/*/*.csv
JSON query with jq
cat data.json | jq '{.loc = .loc}'
filter lines with awk or grep
zcat data.csv.gz | grep 'SOME_TAG' | awk '$1 == 2017'
pipe over files in .tar
tar -xOf bigdatas.tar.gz --wildcards "*.data.csv"